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About Me

A standing portrait of Elizabeth Harwood in front of a tiled teal background.

I can't remember a time in my life where I didn't create art. Paintings and illustration are some things I've always loved, and that sentiment remains unchanged. I am honored to be alumni from the University of Idaho with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art and Design and a Creative Writing minor. While pursuing my degree I emphasized in painting and was trained to work with oils as a medium, but I often find myself returning to my old friend watercolor.

In my portfolio, you will find many paintings in plein air tradition, capturing art from the "open air" usually in one sitting. These are mostly landscapes, with perhaps a couple cityscapes, and often in watercolor. If portraits or illustrations are more what you're looking for, be sure to check out my Studio Paintings section, for a variety of  subject matter in a traditional medium. For digital works, produced with software from Adobe or Procreate, peruse the Digital Artworks section of my page.

Thank you for checking out my online portfolio! If you are interested in pursuing me further for a commission, or for a professional position in art & design, please contact me by my contact page.

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